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Updated: Dec 13, 2022

METAR (Meteorological Terminal Air Report) is a periodic terminal weather report with a global standard format generated by weather stations for distributing the present or observed weather.

Pilots must aware of the present weather at the airport at the time of departure. Also, it's important to understand the weather changes over the period of time to ensure safe departures.

Present weather at the departure airport from periodic METAR weather reports will be used in the pre-flight planning process especially to calculate the airport suitability, departure alternate selection, and runway selection.

Even though the METAR weather provides present weather, sometimes the forecast Trend data will also be appended during certain weather conditions.

Also, the METAR format is the same worldwide, but each country is allowed to add weather parameters based on measurements followed locally. For example, METAR weather reported in Unites States weather stations contains Prevailing Weather in Statue Miles, Runway Visual Range in Feets, Wind Speeds in Knots, etc. These measurements will change as per each country's standards.

METAR Report Format

1. Report Type

The report Type can be either METAR or SPECI.

METAR - METARs are reported every 1-hour interval. These routine METAR reports always start with code METAR.

SPECI - Sometimes weather reports will be distributed between hourly reports in case of sudden weather changes. These non-routine weather reports will start with code SPECI.

* SPECI report issued when observing severe weather scenarios such as Tornado, Waterspouts, Funnel Cloud, Volcanic eruptions, or Thunderstorms. Also when server weather conditions are changed or dissolved.

2. ICAO Station Name or Airport Name

KJFK 081151Z 34009KT 10SM FEW030 SCT250 09/05 A3020 RMK AO2 SLP226 70002 T00940050 10128 20089 53017

This code denotes a four-letter ICAO code of the weather station. Mostly all airports have a weather station and the code is the same as the airport code.

3. Date and Time

KJFK 081151Z 34009KT 10SM FEW030 SCT250 09/05 A3020 RMK AO2 SLP226 70002 T00940050 10128 20089 53017

This parameter denotes the METAR-generated time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The format is DDHHMMz (DD= Date, HH=Hours, MM=Minutes and z=ZULU / UTC).

4. Report Modifier

AUTO - The report is automatically created and transmitted without human intervention using sensors in weather stations. The sensor details will be available in the Remarks section. (Ex, AO2).

RJAA 082030Z AUTO 01004KT 9999 FEW048 SCT060 BKN070 05/00 Q1020 NOSIG RMK A3015

CORR - The report is a corrected data of the earlier report due to an error.

KFLL 082153Z COR 07009KT 10SM FEW040 25/17 A3012 RMK AO2 SLP200 T02500172 $

In most cases, this parameter will be empty. This denotes the data generated from the automatic station with human intervention. In some cases, manual data augmentation is required.

5. Wind

This element denotes the wind direction and speed. Also, the wind element will have additional parameters based on observation.

Wind Direction and Speed

KJFK 081151Z 34009KT 10SM FEW030 SCT250 09/05 A3020 RMK AO2 SLP226 70002 T00940050 10128 20089 53017

The first 3 digits in this element are wind direction rounded to the nearest 10-degree increment. Wind direction reported in True North. (Ex, 34009KT, wind is blowing from 250 degrees reference to true north).

The last 2 or 3 digits are wind speed in knots. This is the mean wind speed over the last 10-minute period. (Ex, 34009KT, 09 knots is the mean wind speed).

In some countries, the wind speed is displayed in MPS (meter per second,,). The following METAR data shows wind speed as 03 Meters Per Second in Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

ZSPD 082200Z 06003MPS 020V090 9999 OVC040 15/12 Q1020 NOSIG

Wind Variability

KMDW 081153Z VRB03KT 9SM BKN021 OVC250 03/M02 A3038 RMK AO2 SLP296 T00281017 10033 20017 53003

If the wind speed is less than 6 knots and the wind varies in direction then this element will be added. (Ex, VRB03KT, the wind is variable in direction at 3 knots)

Calm Wind

KLAS 081156Z 00000KT 10SM CLR 04/M03 A3027 RMK AO2 SLP252 T00391033 10078 20028 50007

If the wind speed is less than 3 knots then the Calm wind will be added to the report. The element 00000 KT in the METAR report denotes the calm wind.

Wind Gusts

KPDX 081153Z 11017G20KT 10SM -RA OVC038 03/01 A3002 RMK AO2 SLP164 P0001 60004 70004 T00280006 10039 20028 56009

Gust is sudden wind added in the METAR report if the wind speed exceeds the mean wind speed (observed over 10 minute period).

Gust will be reported using code G along with wind values. (Ex, 11017G20KT - Means wind direction is 110 degrees with referent to true north, wind speed is 17 knots, and gusts are observed to a maximum of 20 knots.

Wind Direction Variability

VTBS 082130Z 06005KT 020V080 CAVOK 14/12 Q1020 NOSIG

The wind direction variability will be reported if the wind is variable by 60 degrees or more and the wind speed is greater than 3 knots.

For example, 06005KT 020V080 means the wind direction is degrees true north and the wind speed is 05 knots. The wind direction is variable from 20 to 80 degrees.

6. Prevailing Visibility

Prevailing Visibility refers to the great distance at which an object can be seen. This parameter denotes the visibility conditions of the airport.

In the United States, the visibility is reported in statute miles. 1SM denotes 1 statute Miles. Also when visibility is on or above 10 SM then it will be reported as 10 SM.

KJFK 081151Z 34009KT 10SM FEW030 SCT250 09/05 A3020 RMK AO2 SLP226 70002 T00940050 10128 20089 53017

Internationally, the visibility is reported in four digits using meters. The following METAR shows 2100 Meters of visibility.

VOMM 082130Z 01012KT 2100 RA SCT018 OVC080 22/20 Q1003 NOSIG

When visibility is below 50m then visibility will be reported as 0000,

VIDP 082200Z 00000KT 2200 BR NSC 13/10 Q1015 NOSIG

When visibility is 10 KM or greater the visibility will be reported as 9999.

RJAA 082130Z 33006KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 04/01 Q1021 NOSIG RMK 1CU030 6SC050 A3016

7. Runway Visual Range (RVR)

Runway Visual Range (RVR) will be displayed for the runways equipped with a transmissometer. It denotes the distance at which the pilot of the aircraft can see the runway markings or lights from the approach end.

The RVR will be reported when the prevailing visibility is lower (less than 1 SM) especially RVR for a specific runway that is less than 6,000 feet. In some cases, RVR will not be reported or not required to report above this range.

RVR will be reported in the following format.

  • The Code R will be added at the beginning

  • Runway Number

  • Parallel Designator (L=Left, R=Right, C=Center)

  • Runway Visibility in Feets after /

When RVR varies then both the lowest and highest value are displayed with V in between. As per the following METAR, the RVR low is 4000 FT and the high is 5000 FT for the runway 36L.

KMEM 081454Z 00000KT 1/2SM R36L/4000V5000FT FG VV002 15/15 A3016 RMK AO2 SLP209 T01500150 50001

When the RVR maximum is observed (above 6000 Feet in most cases) then it will be reported as P6000FT. In this following case, RVR is above 6000 Feet for the runway 36L.

KMEM 082242Z 34007KT 1SM R36L/P6000FT OVC004 15/14 A3011 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 10 T01500144 $

When RVR Minimum is observed then it will report with code M. In the following case, RVR is less than 300 Feet for runway 36R.

KMEM 082242Z 34007KT 1SM R36R/M0300FT OVC004 15/14 A3011 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 10 T01500144 $

Globally the RVR is reported with trend code,

  • U = Upward

  • D = Downward

  • N = No change

  • V = Variable

In the following case, the RVR is moving upward for runway 29L.

VIDP 060230Z 24003KT 0700 R28/2000 R29L/1500U MIFG NSC 12/10 Q1017 BECMG 0800 MIFG

8. Weather

The weather is reported using various codes along with intensity levels.

The Intensity will be shown before the reported precipitation in most cases.

VOMM 081630Z 02012KT 2500 -RA SCT018 OVC080 23/21 Q1007 NOSIG




Light Intensity


​Moderate Intensity


High Intensity

The following descriptor will be used along with precipitation and obscurations.




​Recent hour's most important past phenomenon with residues:

TS, RA, FZRA, SN, BLSN, GR, GS, PL (e.g.: METAR ... Q1010 RERA=)


Shallow is used to describe the vertically extended fog


PR is used to describe the partial fog


BC or Patches is used to describe the fog with both vertically and horizontally extended


Low Drifting is used to describe the snow, sand, or dust raised by the wind from the surface up to 6 feet (Ex, DRSN, DRSA, DRDU)


Blowing is used to describe the snow, sand, dust, or spray above 6 feet (Ex, BLSN, BLSA, and BLDU)


​Showers are used along with precipitation and intensity (Ex, +SHRA denotes heavy rain showers). Also, this can be used without precipitation (Ex, VCSH denotes the shower in the airport vicinity)


​The thunderstorm is used along with precipitation and intensity (Ex, +TSRA denotes heavy rain with thunderstorm). Also, this can be used without precipitation (Ex, VCSH denotes the shower in the airport vicinity)


Freezing is used along with Drizzle, Rain and Fog (For Ex, FZDZ, FZRA and FZFG)

The following precipitation codes are used along with weather elements,










Snow Grains


Snow Pellets / Small Hail (When the hail is less than 5mm)


Hail (When the hail is greater than 5 MM)


Ice Pellets


Ice Crystals


Unknown Precipitation (Used by automated weather station to report when systems are unable to identify the precipitation )

The following obscuration phenomena are different from precipitation and will impact visibility.










Volcanic Ash


Widespread Dust







  • FG is used to indicate fog restricting the visibility to less than 5/8 SM

  • BR is used to indicate mist restricting the visibility from 5/8 SM to 6 SM.

  • BCFG and PRFG are used to indicate patchy fog or partial fog only if the prevailing visibility is 7 SM or greater.

DuststormThere are Other following weather phenomena that are reported during certain weather conditions,






Dust or Sand Whirls





Funnel Cloud

  • Squall (SQ) is the sudden increase in wind speed lasting for minutes. Wind Gust is different from Squall which lasts for only seconds. SQ will be reported when wind speed increased to 22kt and lasts for a minute.

  • Funnel Cloud (FC) will be reported along with the high-intensity symbol (+FC) when a tornado or waterspout is observed.

9. Sky Condition

This element contains the amount of sky cover. Sky cover is a measure of the amount of the sky that is covered by clouds. The sky over is measured using a unit called Oktas (one eight of sky cover).

Oktas unit is used in meteorology to describe the amount of sky covered in clouds, with 1 oktas being the clear sky, 8 oktas being completely overcast and 4 oktas being half overcast.

Sky Condition





0 oktas or below 12,000 feet



1-2 oktas (between 1/8 and 2/8)



​3-4 oktas (between 3/8 and 4/8)



5-7 oktas (between 5/8 and 7/8)



8 oktas (between 7/8 and 8/8)

Few Clouds at 1000 Feet, Scattered Clouds at 3000 Feet, and Broken Clouds at 5000 feet.

KIAH 100653Z 18005KT 7SM FEW010 SCT030 BKN050 22/21 A3008 RMK AO2 SLP185 T02170206

Sky condition data will impact flight planning if a ceiling is observed. A ceiling is defined as the height above the earth's surface of the lowest cloud base in other words broken or overcast clouds are observed in the lowest layer of cloud (below 6000 feet).

If the weather reporting station is located in mountains and or if the cloud layer is below station level then the height of the layer will be displayed with three ///.

RJAA 110100Z 31004KT 7000 FEW030 SCT120 BKN/// 09/08 Q1011 NOSIG RMK 1CU030 3AC120 A2986

Towering Cumulus Clouds (TCU) or Cumulonimbus Clouds (CB) are vertically developed clouds (contains the most type of aviation hazards such as ice or thunderstorm) and will be reported separately if observed.

VOMM 100800Z 14005KT 4000 -DZ BR SCT018 FEW025TCU BKN080 25/23 Q1003 NOSIG
VOMM 100730Z 16010KT 4000 -DZ BR SCT018 FEW025CB BKN080 25/23 Q1003 TEMPO 3000 -RA

Vertical Visibility (VV), VV denotes the indefinite ceiling above the ground level. VV001 means indefinite ceiling up to 100 Feet.

RJAA 062105Z 00000KT 0800 R16R/0450V0750U R16L/0550N FZFG VV001 M01/M01 Q1015 RMK A2998

CAVOK (Ceiling and Visibility OK) will be reported when,

  • Visibility is 10 KM or more

  • No Clouds are below 5000 feet (or Minimum Sector Altitude whichever is higher) and no CB or TCU was observed.

  • No Significant weather at or in the aerodrome vicinity

VHHH 100700Z 32011KT CAVOK 21/11 Q1013 NOSIG

NSC (No Significant Cloud) is reported when there are no clouds of operational significance, no CB or TCU, and CAVOK is not appropriate.

VHHH 090800Z 32015KT 9000 NSC 21/13 Q1014 NOSIG

Partial Obscurations are reported as cloud type with code 000. FG FEW000 means fog is hidden up to 2/8 of the sky.

RJAA 061817Z AUTO 26002KT 0100 R16R/0450V1400D R16L/0375V0550N FG FEW000 00/00 Q1013 RMK A2993

10. Temperature / Dew Point Group

Temperature and Dew Point are reported in the whole degree celsius separated by /.

Ex, 21/11 Means the temperature is 21 degrees celsius and the dew point is 11 degrees Celsius.

VHHH 100630Z 32013KT 9999 FEW035 21/11 Q1013 NOSIG

When the value is below zero then code M will be added,

KJFK 100051Z 35013KT 10SM CLR 03/M07 A3028 RMK AO2 SLP251 T00331067

11. Altimeter

The Altimeter setting is displayed in 4 digits. The data is measured either in inches of mercury or hectoPascal/millibar.

A2999 Means 29.9 inches of mercury.

RJAA 100330Z 08004KT 010V150 9999 FEW030 15/06 Q1015 NOSIG RMK 1CU030 A2999

Q1004 represents a QNH of 1004 mb/hPa.

VOMM 100530Z 16011KT 4000 BR SCT018 BKN100 24/22 Q1004 NOSIG

12. Remarks

The remarks section starts with code RMK. This section provides additional information about the weather elements added to the METRA body. This section is either generated automatically or manually based on the weather station type.

The remarks section can also be used as plain text for weather stations and can add the behavior or progress of any significant weather phenomena such as the following,

Volcanic Eruption creates ash clouds, the details will be added in remarks sections such as latitude and longitude, direction, or distance from the reporting station when it's observed first. Also, the description of ash clouds such as height, the direction of movement, and size will be added as free text and available in the remarks section.

The following denotes the Volcanic Ash within the airport vicinity and the details of the ash cloud with the direction information added in the remarks section.


Location, location details of certain weather either report as VC or DSNT. VC denotes weather phenomena occurring within 5 to 10 SM of the airport vicinity whereas DSNT denotes the beyond 10 SM.

Direction, direction details of certain weather phenomena reported with the eight points of the compass direction such as N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.

Significant Weather Situations (Tornado, funnel cloud, waterspout), whenever these weather conditions are observed they will be added in the remarks section.

Ex, TORNADO B10 DSNT SW denotes TORNADO began 10 minutes past the hour beyond 10 SM from the weather station or aerodrome.

Weather Station Type, the type of weather station type will be added in the remarks.

The following code will be added when METAR is generated using Automated weather stations,

A01 - Automated weather station without a precipitation discriminator (rain/snow)

A02 - Automated weather station with a precipitation discriminator

Wind Shear or Wind Shift, Wind Shear is a sudden change of wind velocity or direction. It's an important weather phenomenon that indicates weather changes and is used in flight planning.

WS TKOF ALL RWY - Wind Shear impact all runway in the aerodrome

Lightning, the lightning-related remarks will be added in the METAR when it's observed and its starts with LTG. The following codes are used to define the frequency of lightning,




Occasional (less than 1 flash/min)


Frequent (about 1 to 6 flashes/min)


Continuous (more than 6 flashes/min)

The following contractions are used to define the type of lightning,




Cloud to Ground




Cloud to Cloud


Cloud to Air


Cloud to Water

The following METAR explains the lightning behavior,

KDFW 102353Z 36007KT 10SM -TSRA SCT007 BKN012CB OVC070 13/13 A3010 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E AND SW AND W SLP190 OCNL LTGICCG ALQDS TS ALQDS MOV NE P0010 60077 T01330128 10233 20133 53025

Beginning and Ending Times for precipitation and thunderstorms will be added in the remarks. The following METAR denotes Rain began 31 minutes past the hour and ended 50 minutes past the hour. Drizzling began 50 minutes past the hour.

KMEM 110054Z 03005KT 2SM -DZ BR OVC004 11/11 A3010 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 6 RAB31E50DZB50 SLP194 P0001 T01060106

VIRGA, VIRGA is a weather phenomenon or precipitation falling from clouds but evaporating before reaching the ground. It will be added to the Remarks section when it's observed.

KLAS 072156Z 33010G19KT 10SM SCT060 BKN220 12/00 A3011 RMK AO2 SLP194 VIRGA DSNT W-N CB DSNT NE T01220000

Variable Ceiling occurs whenever the ceiling is below 3,000 feet and is variable. The variable ceiling will be added in remarks with the code CIG. The following METAR denotes ceiling variability from 300 to 500 feet.

KATL 101652Z 09005KT 1SM R09R/P6000FT BR OVC004 12/11 A3022 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 4 SLP233 CIG 003V005 T01220111

Variable Sky Condition, when the sky condition is variable then it will be added in the remarks.

For ex, SCT V BKN means cloud cover varies from scattered to broken.

Significant Clouds, Cumulonimbus (CB), cumulonimbus mammatus (CBMAM), or towering cumulus (TCU) will create a significant impact on flight operations. If the weather station observed these clouds then the distance or direction will be reported in METAR.

CB E MOV SE (Cumulonimbus moving from East to South East)

CBMAM DSNT E (Cumulonimbus mammatus clouds were observed after 10 SM from a weather station or aerodrome and moving towards the East)

KATL 072252Z 25005KT 10SM FEW040 BKN075 BKN200 21/18 A3026 RMK AO2 SLP244 CB DSNT NE SHRA DSNT NE T02110178 $

Pressure rising or falling rapidly, In case of any changes in pressure levels especially at the rate of 0.02 inches per hour and a total exceeding 0.02 or more at the time of observation then PRESRR or PRESFR will be added accordingly.

KCVG 091721Z 10009KT 6SM HZ SCT026 BKN039 BKN060 BKN150 09/05 A3010 RMK AO2 PRESFR T00940050 $

Sea Level Pressure, Some stations will report the sea level pressure in the remarks using code SLP (Ex, SLP134 means 1013.4 hPa). SLPNO will be added if no sea level pressure is available.

KDFW 062353Z 34006KTincreases 10SM SCT120 BKN150 BKN250 22/16 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP134 T02170161 10250 20211 51018

Snow increasing rapidly, the snow-related remarks will be added if a rapid increase in the snow is identified in aerodrome or weather stations by one inch or more in the past hour. (Ex, SNINCR 2/5 means the snow increased by 2 inches during the past 1 hour, and the current depth is 5 inches).

Hourly Precipitation, The precipitation group will be added to the remarks sections in some weather stations in case of any precipitation reported during the past 1 hour. The group code starts with P. ( Ex, P0030 means .30 inches of reported during the last hour and P0000 denotes less than one-hundredth of an inch during the last hour).

KATL 110152Z 08006KT 3SM -DZ BR OVC006 12/11 A3022 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 6 SLP236 P0000 T01170106

Hourly Temperature / Dewpoint, Some stations will report the hourly temperature and dewpoint data. The data starts with the code T. This group contains 8 digits after the code T.

The first 4 digits indicate the temperature and the second 4 digits indicate the dew point.

  • If temperature or dewpoint starts with 0 then it denotes 0 degrees or above

  • If temperature or dewpoint starts with 1 then it denotes below 0 degrees

The following METAR codes denote hourly temperature as 11.7 degrees and dewpoint as 10.6 degrees.

KATL 110152Z 08006KT 3SM -DZ BR OVC006 12/11 A3022 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 6 SLP236 P0000 T01170106

RVR Status - Runway Visual Range information is not available when it is required to report.

KCLT 081352Z 05004KT 1/2SM FG BKN002 OVC050 15/14 A3022 RMK SLP230 T01500144 RVRNO

Sensor Status, the weather station sensor status also will be added if not available or working.

KATL 071749Z 23008KT 8SM SCT008 BKN012 OVC024 21/18 A3028 RMK AO2 CIG 010V014 60000 PNO $




Present weather identifier is not available


Precipitation amount is not available


Freezing rain information indicator is not available


Lightning information is not available


Visibility sensor information is not available


Cloud height indicator information is not available

Maintenance Indicator, $ sign will be included in the remarks in case of maintenance is required in the systems of the automated weather stations.

KATL 071749Z 23008KT 8SM SCT008 BKN012 OVC024 21/18 A3028 RMK AO2 CIG 010V014 60000 PNO $

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